Saturday, January 31, 2009

The REAL Barack Obama

The mainstream media chose to ignore President Obama's connection with William Ayers, self-proclaimed domestic terrorist who said he wished he had succeeded in blowing up the Pentagon during Vietnam, and to an extent they ignored his church's pastor, Jeramiah Wright. Seriously, how can you attend church every Sunday for 20 years (which he says he did) and not know your pastor was a racist, anti-American radical?

Well, the old Obama is coming out again, ready to use his deceitful political ways to gain power. If I sound a bit Sean Hannity now, it is because I mean too. This is seriously troubling to me and America needs to open their eyes to the real Barack Obama.

News has gotten out that President Obama intends to nominate a republican senator to the vacated position of commerce secretary. Now, at first glance you think, "aw, that's nice. how bi-partisan of him!" Look a little deeper, though, and the deceit rears it's head.

If the republican senator he nominates accepts, his seat will be filled by the governor of that state. The senators he is looking at...have democratic state governors. So whom will these governors nominate to fill the empty seats? You guessed it, democrats!

Now, if Norm Coleman looses his appeal in the MInnesota recount, and Obama gets a governor to appoint a democrat to a seat vacated by a republican...democrats will have a filibuster proof majority in the senate! And all of his radical agenda will pass no questions asked.

This is not new in the Obama political playbook. When he was running for senate in the city of Chicago, he put together a massive smear campaign against his opponent, who had a tremendous lead in the polls. He accused her of forging signatures on her petition for office and other things that are accounted in the book "The Obama Nation."

Wait...didn't Obama campaign on the idea of being a Washington outside...a new kind of politician...a clean, nice guy who played fair and clean?

Oh, how America was decieved. And now we will all pay the price. No wonder he wants to discredit El Rushbo...the loudest voice of truth and opposition he has to deal with, because what would happen if he was exposed as the fraud he is.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Reagan, Health Insurance for Kids, and Treacherous Snow!

First of all, let ME respond to Ashley's response to my post.  Follow?  Reagan DID use borrowed money.  Having just come out of a bit of a recession, there was an issue with unemployment at the time, and:

[funding benefits for all of those unemployed + his "war on drugs" + everything military-related]


[a freak-ton of tax revenue]

EQUALS = A party that needed to be cleaned up.

So yeah, I stand by what I said.

Now, to move beyond my distain for Reaganomics and ONTO my amusement with Blagojevich!  Unless the man decides to write an "If I Did It" type book, I guess we won't be hearing too much about him any more.  Everyone voted him out (I mean, did he THINK he was getting anywhere with his press conferences and interviews?  "The View"?  SERIOUSLY, Blago?!) and he apparently took the state-owned jet for one last bit of glory on his way home.

He's Jesus, you know.  He told me so himself.  And losing his 177k salary is his "personal Greek tragedy," you know.  I never knew Jesus was a Greek!   I mean, some people put the Bible on the same level as Greek mythology, but to have it confirmed by such an honest do-gooder!  Oh, Blago.  You horrid man.

The Senate passed a health insurance bill for children. 11 million children from underprivileged households or who legally immigrated, as well as pregnant mothers.  This is the first time that something like this is pretty much SURE to be signed.  The Senate was enthusiastic about it, and Obama has already said he'll sign it when it crosses his desk next week.

The bill might even be expanded, funded by an increase in cigarette tax to a dollar (from 39 cents).  This is seriously a great idea.  And seriously, it should be made more and more painful to purchase cigarettes.  Smoking is bad.  Healthy little kids are cute.

Bush vetoed a similar bill.  TWO times.  And a few Republican senators were completely miffed about it.  I just don't get you people.  One minute you're all, "SAVE BABIES FROM ABORTION!  HIDE THE GAYS FROM MY KIDS! FAMILY VALUES!" and the next you're upset about this bill.  Good job, guys.   Three cheers for family values.

Anyway, any people who were apathetic during the election have been proven wrong.  In just a week and a half, TONS of things have been put into effect, or at least started to work their way through the system.

Right now, I want two things to happen:

First, I want gay marriage to be made legal.  We didn't vote on YOUR marriage.  Why keep people from being happy just because you think it's "icky"?  If you really think that marriage in general is threatened by the gay community, then your own marriage must really not be very secure.  Also, it won't harm kids!  Sheesh!  You guys are totally just using that as an excuse, and not even a very good one.  Kids already know that sometimes, people are gay.  Do you want your children to believe it's better to live with a lover unmarried, or married?  It's not like I'm saying I think churches should be forced to perform the ceremony - that's up to the church.  But LEGALLY, on PAPER, it should be made possible.

Second, I want that ridiculous "No Child Left Behind" MISNOMER of an act repealed.  This is something I'm very passionate about.  It promotes "teaching to the test" in classrooms and threatens music and art in schools.  The quality of teachers decreases, as they don't have the motivation to go beyond the minimum, and that is REALLY not cool.  I was blessed with amazing teachers in my high school honours classes (who weren't big fans of NCLB either)...but some teachers who taught regular classes didn't seem to be doing their best all the time.  Because they had a low standard to meet.

Okay, that's my rant for the day!  The theme for the rest of the day is: "Ashley and Michelle Attempt to Take a Road Trip to Muncie to Visit Their Friends at Ball State Even Though the Snow is Treacherous and They Might Have to Cancel."  Wish us luck!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Early Post In Response to Others

I will be unable to post tomorrow, so I am posting my blog today instead!. Unfortunately that leaves Michelle free to run rampant tomorrow.

I must respond to Michelle's blog. President Reagan did NOT spend money we didn't have.Keynesian economics is the theory of deficit spending to revive the economy. However, this theory stopped with Reagan and supply-side economic theory. Reagan was a big proponent of balanced budgets and tax cuts, and Reaganomics got America out of the financial trouble of the 1980s, no matter what my history book says.

And I will gladly admit that the Bush administration was no where near as fiscally conservative as myself and many others would have liked. However, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq necessitated an increase in spending.

I saw an interesting graphic on the Glenn Beck show yesterday. It showed the amount of money in circulation from 1920 to today. The of amount of money in circulation had remained virtually stagnate until the 2000s when the amount skyrocketed.

So, it seems that a mentality has developed that we can just print off money like there's no tomorrow and that will fix everything. However, this theory is completely inaccurate. Even during the Great Depression and the depression of the 1980s, capital was not introduced into circulation.

And you know what, we got out of both of those just fine.

I watched a show on the History Channel last week comparing the financial crisis of today to that of 1929. The show said that the New Deal and all of its programs actually did very little to fix the Great Depression. It was World War II that saved America.

Obviously President Obama didn't watch this show, as he was quoted today as saying that the reason the New Deal didn't work was because it wasn't big enough! President Obama's stimulus package includes many initiatives that are similar to the New Deal: public works projects, infrastructure improvement, and others. Yes, these things need done and will improve America. However, history shows that this will not fix the economy.

What will fix the economy? I'm not sure. Decreased government spending wouldn't hurt. The original plan of buying up bad debt from banks should get back on track, as that would greatly increase confidence. And Jon Stewart, despite being a comedian, had a good plan: use the $819 billion and buy up the debt of individuals. If people have no debt what will they do...SPEND! It would work just as the bank bailout was planned to work: the government would buy loans and the taxpayers would repay the government just as if it was any other government spending.

If only President Obama and Congress read our little blog...

UPDATE: Here is the clip from Glenn Beck's program

I DO have some concerns...

Okay, so this bailout bill isn't quite what I was hoping for either.  It's not that different from things we've seen under Bush, and we can all agree that THAT was a bust...  $819 billion is just too much money to gamble on this same failed plan that we've tried in the past...

I am a LITTLE annoyed with Republicans calling him out on it by saying it's stupid to spend money that the government doesn't have, when their GOD, Ronald Reagan, did the same thing.  You can't have both!  If you want to complain about this bailout, you also have to admit that Reagan was throwing a huge party that eventually needed to be cleaned up.

And unfortunately, because this bailout would be so giant and epic, that leaves very little room for the extra bit of tax reduction meant to help the middle class, seeing as there's SUPPOSED to be a $850 billion limit on this thing.  So...yes.  I'm a skeptic about Obama's plans here.

But you know what?  Just because the House passed it doesn't mean it'll come to fruition.  Apparently 11 Dems voted against it, and NO Republicans voted for it.  And when the Senate has to vote on it, it'll need all the Dems and TWO Republicans in order to pass.  So you just know it'll be rewritten, revised, and completely different by the time anything close to it is passed.

I'm still supportive, though!  I'm really glad that Obama's taking a new approach, as far as dealing with foreign countries goes.  For one, I'm pretty stoked about him not backing Israel just because they're, well, Israel.  And as for everywhere else, I'm liking this idea of the world not being divided into "us" and "them."

Something else that I'm pretty excited about is this Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  HOW are we one of the last countries to allow women to be paid as much as men for doing the same job?  Well, step by step, little by little, this is ending.  FINALLY.  This is so long overdue.  We've actually had steps BACKWARDS under Bush.

Superficial news!  What's the deal with everyone getting so miffed about Obama not wearing his jacket around the White House?  Everyone's all, "Oh no, this marks the beginning of a huge 'culture shift,' and it can only mean trouble!"  I don't get it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bailout Bonanza!

President Obama repeatedly expressed his desire to have a stimulus package on his desk to sign on the first full day of his presidency.

Well, it is day eight, and still no plan.

One of the things I love most about this stimulus package is the "tax cut" it gives to people. His "tax cut" is a $500 check for individuals and a $1000 check for families. This is a rebate, similar to President Bush's stimulus package, not a "tax cut." People have bad memories of President Bush's stimulus, so by misnaming it, prehaps the president can garner support for the plan.

The plan had originally called for money to be allocated for contraception. Now, I am completely in favor of contraception, as it has loads of health benefits which I feel outweigh its pregnancy prevention. However, I do not think the government should be spending money on this, and apparently the majority of the Congress agrees, as that part was taken out of the bill.

Obviously the president and his advisors have not been paying attention while they were making their moving plans, as the last bailout and stimulus package the government threw out there has done absolutely nothing to help revive the economy. President Bush spent, spent, spent, and it did nothing to fix the economy. President Obama apparently must think the rules do not apply to him, since he is attempting to institute the same strategy.

Another part of the bill that was eliminated was a proposed $200 million to re-sod the National Mall, and $200 million for new cars for government officials. Seriously? Also, on page 147 is a $335 million dollar plan for STD education at the Center for Disease Control. What more is there to teach people about STD prevention than either don't have sex or wear a condom.

I will say that there are some good parts of this proposed bill. There is an increase in food stamps and other government services. The hope is that people will have more money to spend elsewhere if they are spending less of their money on food. This may not work as planned, but giving people on food stamps more money for food could potentially work.

This proposed bill of President Obama's is ballooning to $900 billion. Where is all of this money coming from? Why can't the government operate like people: DON'T SPEND MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE! I only spend money that I have and I get by. The bill is available for all to read and to see what is really being proposed, not just what President Obama and the liberals want to spin it to you as. I urge all Americans to research this bill and to contact their Congressmen about this horrible misuse of nonexistent funds that will drive this country further in debt.

New Schedule

After nearly two weeks of blogging, we have finally figured out how we want this to work. As such, we have found that blogging every day has become a bit overwhelming. Therefore, we have decided to change out schedule to blogs every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Saturday will be addressing comments made on out previous blogs or, if there are no comments, will be a regular blog. Hopefully this lighter schedule will allow the quality of our blogs to increase. Thanks for sticking with us!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oprah for Senate!..........?! What the heck?

I should probably point out that I get most of my news through RSS feeds from CNN, the NY Times, and the Washington Post.  Yes, it leans to the left, but (in my opinion) doesn't lean as FAR as Fox leans to the right.

Oh Blago, just give it up already.  I'm tired of hearing you on the news...and I hope you realize that people watch your interviews for entertainment, not because they have any sort of sympathy or any OUNCE of doubt that you're a complete liar...  Anyone who considers making Oprah Winfrey the next junior senator just CAN'T have good intentions.  No offense to Oprah, but I doubt he'd have considered her if she weren't a billionaire.

My boyfriend actually called Blago the "new Britney Spears" of television, which is really accurate.  Crazy, shady, and just plain corrupt, the only difference is that Blagojevich actually SEEKS OUT media coverage.

Raise your hand if you thought it was hilarious when he (basically) said, 'I'm not calling myself Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, or MLK, but I am completely Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, and MLK.'  That's what I got out of it, anyway.

Oh, and he says that it's okay to use vulgar language if you think no one of significance is listening, BUT that it rubbed off on his wife.  Hmmm!  I wonder if that's his motto...that something is only bad if you get caught?

Props to Ashley for supporting stem cell research.  I always have as well, so it should be no surprise that I was ecstatic to hear that Obama would be supporting it as well.

The embryos are FROZEN.
They would otherwise be THROWN AWAY.
Why not let their lives serve a PURPOSE?

On Stem Cells, Blago, and Editorial Pages

Anyone else think it is a bad idea for Blago to have Drew Peterson's PR guy working to better his name? I don't typically want the people who represented a man who had three wives mysteriously disappear trying to clear my name, but I don't live on Planet Blago.

Blago appeared on every television show known to man today including The View, Good Morning America, and, where I would personally recommend going when you need to restore your credibility and proclaim your innocence, a street interview with Geraldo. This guy is off the deep end, and I love it. His impeachment trial starts today, and I don't think he really cares. Despite the enormous amount of evidence against him, I am fairly certain that he believes he will be found innocent and continue his job as governor of Illinois. In the words of Hermione Granger: What. An. Idiot.

Please sit down before continuing: I am going to praise President Obama. Yes, 911 is the correct number to call if you are having a heart attack right now. President Obama has expressed his commitment to increase funding for Stem Cell research- one of President Bush's handful of pardons. I have always been a supporter of stem-cell research. I believe that this line of medical study holds huge promise, particularly in the area of Parkinson's Disease. I am no expert on the science involved, but my understanding is that stem cells can become anything. Yes, embryonic stem cells can become babies, but they can become livers and hearts and many other things, according to my understanding. Why allow a "potential" person to sit in a freezer when it could be helping to save the life of someone who is already alive? I differ from many Conservatives in that I believe in preserving life that already exists as opposed to life that may potentially exist, and I applaud President Obama for allowing federal funds for stem-cell research.

Lastly, I received yet another example of why I have been refused the position of opinion columnist for the Indiana Daily Student 4 semesters running. Today's editorial page consisted of 4, I believe, editorials praising President Obama, calling him Superman, and congratulating him on closing Guantanamo Bay. It also doesn't help my cause that the opinions editor wrote two articles a few weeks ago expressing his complete love of Hilary Clinton.

Ah, the perils of being a college conservative.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day Off

Sundays will be a day off for us here at Juxtapinions. A day of resting and honing our wit for the week ahead! Comment away, and we will see you tomorrow!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I need someone to ARGUE with me!

Well, we're starting a tradition where every Saturday we'll post in response to the comments we've received over the week.

I haven't really GOTTEN any negative comments yet, so I have only to assume that our audience is predominantly liberal?  I have no qualms with that, but it'd be nice if it were a little more mixed.  I mean, we're catering to both parties, so...

Republicans.  Take on me.  Take me on.  *sings the rest of "Take On Me" in a high pitched voice*  That song is great.

Someone DID make a point, though.  When I was talking about the situation over in Israel and the Gaza strip, I mentioned that you don't mess with Israel.  What I forgot to mention is my whole stance on Israel's idea of "fairness."  Israel has gone WAY overboard, as they've always tended to.  Some holy land.

Okay, I "get" that having bombs lobbed into your country is grounds for retaliation, but making a comeback with nearly 100 times as many casualties, including several hundred civilians, is just sick.  I'm glad our new President isn't going to stand for that as much.

Maybe people will start LIKING America again.  People both from AND outside of our country.

Comments Rebutted! WEEE

So, every Saturday we will respond to comments left on our posts. This way, you don't have to go searching through every post to find a response to what you had to say!

I'll start with responding to my first post: It is not "lala I'm not listening" to say that people have no idea what the job of president consists of and they have no right calling someone incompetent. Just because someone did things that you do not agree with, but they believed in and stuck with does not mean they are incompetent.

It was President Clinton who passed the buck on al Queda big time. He had fighter jets ready to blow up bin Laden, and he told them to stand down. He had multiple chances to get bin Laden from the Saudis and refused. Bush had been in office 8 months before 9-11 and I'm sure they had not yet sorted through all the blunders of the previous administration to find out where al Queda was then. Yes, we did have a Pear Harbor scenario where there was important intelligence that was passed over, misplaced, misinterpreted, and ignored, but I do not blame the president.

Having been in airports since 9-11 and before, I can say that security is much different now. Port security has been significantly increased as well. Yes, our nuclear facilities are not nearly secure enough for me, but it's a little better. And border security will never improve to anyone's liking until immigration reform is passed. Many people are unaware that the largest unprotected border into the US is actually between the US and Canada. Having gone to Canada, I can tell you that it is a big ordeal to get in, but you are not stopped at all on the way out.

And you know what, I am perfectly okay with capturing people who are suspicious, putting people into prisons indefinitely and yes, torturing them if it gains intelligence and saves American lives. Apparently, Noah, you haven't watched the news since 9-11, but I can remember at least three serious terror plots that were foiled by the Bush administration from intelligence gathered from many means, including the possible torture of those in Gitmo, and I am okay with that.

And up until his election, Obama gave the impression that change would be. When he said otherwise in his victory speech, the faces of the crowd turned to confusion.

On Gitmo: I do not believe that closing the facility is a good idea at all. However, if it is to be closed, it should be decided AFTER a plan has been devised as to what to do with those kept there. So far I have heard no detailed plan from the Obama administration on this matter. It has come out this week that three former prisoners of Gitmo that were captured on the field of battle have been seen back on the field and in al Queda videos. When I said in my post that they were found back on the field, I did not mean that random people we found had decided to hate the US and then join al Queda. I meant that people we captured on the field of battle returned there. If Obama plans to send these people back to their countries (assuming the countries will take them) then they will end up right where we found them.

Here's to the end of our first week of blogging! Thank's for commenting, and keep them coming! See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Wonderful Planet Blago

I'm going to come out and say it: I hope Blago is governor of Illinois forever. I hope he becomes a cyborg and lives forever, because he is so darn entertaining.

His press conference today was a complete train-wreck, and I made popcorn and watched! Seriously, how can anyone trust a guy with hair like that and a mafia accent?

He held a press conference today to address his trial for various crimes including attempting to swindle a children's hospital out of money, trying to get people fired from newspaper staffs that were not kind to him, and trying to sell President Obama's senate seat. In the conference, he basically said he didn't care what they did in the trial, because he didn't believe it was lawful.

What made this completely insane press conference better was Shepard Smith's running commentary throughout. Seriously, someone needs to give Shep a late night talk show or a comedy special, because his commentary was hilarious, mocking every word Blago said.

What made it even better was that Blago took questions from the press! He never does that! And when they asked him questions he didn't like, he refused to answer them. So much for taking questions.

Oddly, he didn't quote any poets or dead presidents. A shame really.

Yes, he is possibly the worst governor in the history of the world, but Illinois should really keep him around, just for the money they could rake in from a variety hour composed of only his press conferences.

Sorry for the brevity of this post, but today was a slow news day, and I am incredibly tired.

Some news, and a little anti-Savage message!

About this Kirsten Gillibrand woman...

If you haven't been following, she's going to replace Hillary in the Senate.  Personally, I think it's a little weird to have an upstate person representing New York, since MOST of the people in her state are from the city...  And I just don't know how well someone like that can adequately represent them.

She apparently marks herself as a "fiscally conservative" Democrat.  So, it's good that she's got the social ideas of a Lefty, but I'm not too sure the people from New York City are going to be quite on board with someone with a conservative view of the economy.

I'm really only worried, though, because calling herself "fiscally conservative" AND being from upstate NY could be a bad combination.  Upstate people  are wealthy types, stereotypically speaking.  Born wealthy, raised wealthy, sometimes can't understand people who WEREN'T raised the same way.

Even so, she says she wants to "follow in her footsteps," speaking of Hillary (take that as you will), so maybe she'll put her own lifestyle aside in favour of appealing to her state.  I guess we'll see.

Republicans: No more of this complaining about Gitmo without at least admitting that your guy, McCain, says he backs Obama.  

I admit that I stopped paying attention to all the Blagojevich news after it all started to be the same.  Blago, with his hands up in an "I'm innocent!" pose, saying that he did nothing wrong, lying through his teeth, while his hair wiggles.  I guess I don't BLAME him for wanting newspapers to print stories that defend him...I mean....if I were a greedy nutjob who was forced to stick to his own obvious lie out of pride and fear, I guess I'D be asking the same thing...?

He's proof that Democrats DO go "bad" sometimes...when they become greedy and ignorant, like people on the Far Right.  :D

Speaking of the Far Right, I've been getting fed up with Michael Savage again recently.  Claiming to support the first amendment, and then saying horrible things about other races, religions, and lifestyles...which are ALSO protected under the first amendment?  Not cool.  FIRE SAVAGE!

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Enjoy your Friday afternoon!  The weather has been GORGEOUS here in Indiana!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What? You Want To Ask Me Questions?

Since President Obama's election I have told myself and others that I will support the president and hope for success. I felt it was my duty to support the president and it felt bad to wish failure upon him.

Last night this changed. I was watching an interview with Rush Limbaugh and he said something interesting. He said that he supports the president and hopes he can fix the United States, but does not want his agenda to succeed if that agenda is a far left one.

And you know what, I agree. In the spirit of bipartisanship I blindly decided to support the president no matter what. However, I forgot my values and what I believe in. Why would I support an agenda that is the complete opposite of what I believe and think is best for America? Like Rush, I hope that Obama can fix America, but I do not want a far left agenda to succeed in America. I support Obama as a person, but not his agenda.

To that end, I do not at all support what President Obama has done today. He signed executive orders today that close the facility at Guantanamo Bay within one year and define what are lawful interrogation techniques.

First off, closing Gitmo is a HORRIBLE! Idea. Intelligence shows that those who have been released and returned to their home countries end up back on the field of battle. And what does Obama want to do with those there? Send them back home! And if home won't take them, well, let's just put them in American prisons! Wonderful idea big guy.

The second hinders our intelligence gathering abilities immensely in my view. What he has defined as lawful interrogation techniques excludes many of the techniques that have gained us valuable intelligence. I'm sorry to sound like a horrible person, but I care more about getting intelligence to protect Americans than the rights and physical comfort of a terrorist.

And to top it all off, President Obama visited the White House briefing room...but didn't want to answer questions saying, "I can't end up visiting you guys and shaking hands if I am going to grilled every time I come down here." What did he expect, a tea party? I can understand his surprise, though. I don't know what I would do if the media that treated me like the messiah suddenly was a little more harsh and wanted to ask actual questions about policy and substance.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go listen to Hannah Montana and go into my safe zone, far away from American prisons full of al Queda and meanie press people.

Negotiation > Military Force

I felt really awkward today.  There's a boy in my Econ class who came clad in his military uniform, and it made me feel a little uncomfortable.  On one hand, he gave me a really valid thought.  He said, "Because of this uniform, you can live your life the way you do now."  That really hit me, because I know it's true.  On the other hand, I can't respect someone who supports killing human beings - even if those people are enemies.

I do have to give him one point, though.  None of us ever really think about how great it is to have the freedoms we do here in America.  Hell, in some countries, Ashley and I would be shot for having this blog and poking fun at our leaders!

To cite an example, I'd like to point out that the Inauguration was censored in Beijing, China.  Everything that had anything remotely to do with Communism or the Cold War was removed.  It's good that we live in a nation where things aren't just omitted like that.  Talk about brainwashing!  And I thought the military were bad, with their good posture and droid-like unity, answering to every order they're given.  I guess I sort of "get" what that's all about now, though.

I still have mixed feelings, of course.

On to some praise for Obama.  Remember N. Korea and Iran?  Yeah, we were never really best buds, were we?  Well, this isn't a certainty, but N. Korea has supposedly been considering surrendering their nuclear weapons if the United States will agree to a few conditions, the biggest of those being forming a diplomatic bond.  Iran also wants to work with Obama; apparently they feel that the new President will be open to negotiation rather than threats of immediate hostility.  Awesome?  Awesome.

Bush, Hillary, people don't take too well to their country and the word "obliterate" in the same sentence.  Would YOU be nice to someone like that?  [Enter: Obama]  The scene becomes much less violent.

As for this catfight between Gaza and Israel, I'm wondering how long this halt in bombing will be.  Even under Bush, we never technically declared a "side," but we've always tended to back our pals in Israel.  THIS conflict, however, has the majority of the world saying, "Come on, guys...this is a little ridiculous."  Indeed, you do not mess with Israel.  Personally, I think that what started as defensive bombing has now crossed the line.

I wonder what'll happen next.  I still say that world peace can be achieved by rounding up all the terrorists and making them hug plush teddy bears or watch Wall-e.  That, or get smacked in the face by (gasp) women?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gitmo, Tax-Cuts, and the Obamas

You can say all the petty things you want about Michelle Obama's dresses or Barack's slightly awkward dancing skills; that First Family is adorable, and you can't deny that.    Sort of like the black Kennedys, only more genuine and with less controversy?  Am I allowed to say that?  What is and isn't "politically correct" changes like mad.

And I want to go on a scavenger hunt in the White House, too.  But not to find the Jonas Brothers.  Yuck.

First of all, about Gitmo: It's not like he plans to free all the prisoners, so this delay isn't necessarily a bad thing.  And if they DO wind up in U.S. prisons for the time being, you can bet they'll be the highly guarded type that people just DON'T escape from.  But Ashley, I DID enjoy reading the phrase "hit up Osama on his cell."

Second, quit calling Obama a hypocrite for borrowing money for tax cuts.  Sure, Bush did the same, but if we can recall, his tax cuts really only affected (directly) those with higher incomes.  And look at how THAT turned out!  DID it "trickle down" to the middle and lower classes?  Nope, sure didn't.

I know it's in the comfort zone of Conservatives to constantly claim that Democratic leaders are for higher taxes, but I think it's time they take their fingers out of their ears and actually pay attention to what's actually happening. You know, as opposed to judging Obama by the history of the Democratic Party.  He has always promoted middle-class tax cuts, and putting money RIGHT into the majority of the people's hands so that they can spend and stimulate the economy.

Well, we'll see where all of this goes.

Who likes superficial and stupid news?  I do!  So far I haven't found out which of the two dog breeds the Obamas are planning to choose.  I used to make fun of the people who care about that, but now I'm strangely curious.  Who DOESN'T love puppies, after all?  They must be drawing it out on purpose, I think.

So.  That's today.

JoBros, Dresses, and Terrorists, Oh My!

If I was bitter yesterday, today I am furious.

Not because of anything Obama did (although, going to balls until 3 AM is pretty impressive, I definitely couldn’t have done it. Especially since you know they were probably up at 5 AM).

No, my grief is now with his children.

While their parents were out at parties, they had a scavenger hunt in the White House to learn about their new home. Well, when they got to the last room they opened the door…


My dad needs to be elected president STAT so I can go on a scavenger hunt and find the JoBros or George Clooney.

I do feel for the new president though. There was a report today that he dropped his Blackberry. I feel for him, I nearly have a heart attack whenever I drop my Blackjack II. Just think about what would happen if we dropped iPhones. GAH
Although, President Obama probably wouldn’t have any problem replacing his. I would just sit in front of mine mourning over its loss.

Anyway…on to more serious matters…like that hideous dress the First Lady was wearing. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I am impartial when it comes to fashion. But seriously, poof balls? One shoulder? An indeterminable color? And the dress was not flattering of her figure at all. President Obama had it easy- black tux and BOOM, out the door. Guys really do not understand the hardships us women face in the fashion world.

And that dancing? I felt awkward just watching Obama get jiggy with it from my room. Imagine the people around him. Maybe his BFF Ellen can give him some dance lessons.

The major issues of today is Obama’s decision to halt trials in Gitmo. He wants to close the base within a year of his unsigned draft of an Executive Order. And his solution for what to do with everyone there…put them in US prisons! A wonderful idea. I really want Kahlid Sheik Mohammad in the US, the country he planned to destroy. I will definitely sleep better at night knowing a terrorist could break out of prison at any time, hit up Osama on his cell, and blow up a building. I’ve watched enough 24 to know how this stuff goes down.

Oh well, only 1,459 days to go. But who’s counting, eh?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh, hush. Lots of presidents stumbled over the Oath!

I had planned on skipping my 11:15 class to go watch the Inauguration among my friends in IU College Democrats, but I didn't.  Fortunately, my Econ prof let us watch the most important bits in class, and I was able to catch up on the rest later.

All I kept wondering was, "How must Obama feel right now, to be taking the most important job in the country, maybe even the world?"  Until now, his recent life has been all about campaigning; I sometimes wonder if he really realized the gravity of assuming the role as President of the United States.

I know I should feel celebratory like mad right now, but I'm also a little bit annoyed with all the bitterness from both sides of the political spectrum.  On the Conservative team, we have angry protesters trying to claim that Obama isn't a US citizen, stubborn rebels who insist Obama is "not their President," and I even heard of someone who literally PRAYS for Obama to die, to God, for the lives of all of the babies that they've been fooled into thinking will die as a result of his administration.  Come on, guys.  If you guys believe in bombing for peace, it's no wonder you also promote hatred to satisfy your religious needs.

He is your new President.  He is a US citizen.  He is not a murderer.  I'm starting to think that, after four years, even if Obama has improved America in every aspect, some of the more narrow-minded individuals on the Right wing will STILL insist he's a socialistic anti-Christ.

On the Democratic side, we have people who are STILL focusing on the Bush administration.  As Bush took off in the plane that was once Air Force One to him, CNN described the waving crowd below as not a heartfelt "good bye," but a resentful, "see ya!"  It's done.  It's over.  Let's look to the future, shall we?

Other than that, I just have to say that those political folk throw one hell of a party!  Yo-Yo Ma, the HUGE number of security personnel, and the Clintons' Walk of Fierceness were some of my favourite things.

Now, let's see if we can't show these Republicans what we can accomplish!  This is our chance.

A Bitter Republican's Expectations for Mr. Hope 'N Change

In a few hours I must but farewell to President George W Bush. I have no qualms at all in admitting I am one of the 22% who currently approve of the job he has done as president, and I have always been in that category. I have always felt that President Bush has done what he felt was right and did the best that he could do. Those who judge him or consider him incompetent probably have no idea the pressures that the job entails and really, have no right to judge his character. I have found the disrespect shown toward President Bush over the last eight years to be completely reprehensible. He was your President. If you don’t like it, move to another country and renounce your citizenship.

To that end, I hope to not see the same disrespect shown toward President-Elect Obama. I will support him, even though I do not agree with him policies, as he is my president. The great thing about a democracy is that there are sometimes not results that you like, but you must live with them nonetheless.

And live with them I will. I wish President-Elect Obama the best. I hope with all my being that he can turn this economic crisis around and continue President Bush’s legacy of keeping America free from a terrorist attack. I hope that he can end the centuries-old conflict between Palestine and Israel. I hope he can make Iran a nuclear-free country, and I hope he can make Iraq a stable beacon of democracy in the Middle East.

Unfortunately, I do not believe that this will happen. That’s the funny thing about hope- it often falters when confronted with reality. During his campaign, Obama implied that all of the change he proposed could happen instantly. That the minute he was elected everything would be better. His acceptance speech on election night, however, negated this, and the crowd was left dumbstruck. Thus hope was confronted with reality, and change was derailed.

Like I said, I hope that Obama can change things for the better and that America can become stable once more. It is unlikely, but that’s another funny thing about hope: it laughs in the face of logic.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm Ashley and I am a sophomore at Indiana University majoring in Journalism. I am a registered Republican, but by no means do I subscribe to all of my parties beliefs. I'm pro gay marriage and pro gun control. When it comes to my money and security, however, I'm about as conservative as they come. I am not one of those Republicans that hopes for President-Elect Obama's failure or for some sort of tragedy to befall him and his family. I am an American before a Republican, and I wish him well. Not too well, however, as I fully expect a Republican government in 2012! Guiliani/Daniels anyone? I think yes!

You'll find the Dennis Miller rule of comedy in many of my posts. I love humor, and use it and sarcasm to suit my means in getting my point across. Most of it is dry and obscure, and I offer my apologies up front for that.

I hope that even if you disagree with one or both of our opinions, you grow to love us and we become a nice little family. This is a relationship, dear reader. A give and take. We welcome your opinions as well. Although, if they get nasty and/or rude, they'll be gone faster than a hairstylist at Blagojevich's gubernatorial mansion..


Hey, I'm Michelle! I'm the Democratic counterpart in this little operation. Actually, I'm technically registered as an Independent, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't identify quite a bit with the Democratic party. Anyway, welcome to Juxtapinions.

Now, I know that the two major parties have become ridiculously polarized, but please don't assume that Ashley and I are on "The Far Left" or "The Far Right" in any way. As a matter of fact, those people scare us! Ashley is not a gun-wielding, gay-hating, Bible-quoting toothless barbarian from the country, and I am not a drug-using god-hater. Nor have I ever been a part of any pagan-baby-massacring-vegan-domination-rituals. THIS week. Haha, I jest. We're pretty normal.

Okay, so we've got this INAUGURATION tomorrow! A lot of people I know have managed to travel to DC sometime within the past couple of days; how they managed to score a hotel, I will never know. I desperately wanted to be there, but I am a poor college student... Anyway, we will of COURSE have much to say tomorrow, so BE HERE!


Welcome to Juxtapinions! If you stick around, you'll be in for a treat. Best friends Ashley and Michelle battle it out daily with wit and words over the hot issues of the day. Every day will consist of at least one pair of blogs on a topic, each expressing either the viewpoint of the right, or of the left. We'll try to keep the posts comparable in length, so that no side gets more time than the other, and you can decide fairly with whom you identify most.

Stay tuned for the first pair of blogs tomorrow discussing our expectations of the Obama administration!