Saturday, March 7, 2009

Response Time!

No one seems to comment on this blog anymore...this is sad. Look at my sad face- :(

Anywho, I guess I'll just have to response to Noah's novel-length posts. Seriously, anyone else think he writes too much? And what's with his not being obsessed with Britney or Blago? Lame, I know.

Starting with his first post: I must admit that I do not know enough history about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict to properly analyze, let alone judge the situation. I do know that Palestine is currently rules by a terrorist organization, Hamas, and spends most of its time planning how to white Jews off of the Earth. I believe that nations have the right to defend themselves when faced with a threat from an outside entity, like the US and a al Queda, and Israel with Palestine/Hamas/Iran. Proportional responses never get anything done. Israel wants to eliminate this threat to its people and land, and the only way to do that is to eliminate the problem: Hamas. To the best of my knowledge, Israel has no beef with the Palestinian people, only its "government." With the limited knowledge I have on the subject, I see no problem with Israel's military decisions.

I have always thought it interesting that in high school government classes, when you are taught the vague types of people in each party, you learn that Democrats are usually Catholics, yet their party believes in contraception and abortion. I myself have never been a very religious person, hence my barely being welcomed in the Republican party. I am all for sex education, birth control, condoms, and I believe that states should have the ability to decide on abortion. I wouldn't personally have one unless it was a very serious circumstance, but it is not my place, nor the governments, to tell people what they can and cannot do. I don't believe it's a baby until it is distinct cellularly from an ameba or other random grouping of cells. When that is, I'm not sure (I never really paid attention in health class). But I do agree that religion has a very large role in America. I understand churches not allowing gay marriages, but I can't understand the federal government not allowing it. They don't have the ability to enforce this on churches, but they have the ability and, in my opinion, obligation to make this legal.

I also must admit I have basically zero knowledge of the Bible, its creation, or its teachings, so I can't really comment. I respect people who have deep religious convictions and applaud them for their devotion. i myself am only really devoted to Harry Potter. I don't feel anyone has the right to judge a person or demean them for their religious beliefs. It's a personal choice and to each his own.

Finally, Noah's post from yesterday. i find it amazing that he finds such odd things to blog about. I had absolutely no idea who this person was, or that anyone was needed to fill Rahm Emmanuel's seat in Illinois. This woman doesn't really seem, based on Noah's blog, fit to run a cashier at Target, let alone be a state representative. Also, if the seat was vacated by a democrat, I believe it should be filled by one. I hate when people exploit situations to help their own cause (a la Blago). If the people chose a democrat to the seat, the governor or whomever is in charge of filling it should fill it with a democrat in order to uphold the will of the people. As much as I love politics, I hate the games and maneuvering that goes along with it. This would by why I abandoned any political hopes for myself long ago. I refuse to play the game, so I wouldn't ever get far.

Well, that's all! I think Noah had a very good first week, don't you all? Hopefully he cuts down the length of his posts a teeeeeny bit :)

EDIT! I have been informed by Noah that governors do not appoint house seats, but that they are filled by special elections almost everywhere. Oh well, I think I got a nice rant out of it anyway :)

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