Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Are You Afraid of the Economy?

So, Michelle has missed another shall we punish her?

Several times on this blog I have been accused of hypocrisy. I don't believe these accusations are correct, but to each his own.

However, someone else is now a a HUGE way.

President Obama continuously on the campaign trail denounced the politics of fear he accused the Bush administration of using.

However...he himself is now employing fear to sell this stimulus package.

In his press conference, and his town hall meetings, the president continually speaks of the impending doom that apparently awaits if this package is not passed. Apparently, the Earth will stop spinning and a giant black hole will eat us all if this bill is not passed. At least, that is what the president would have the public believe.

However, this bill will only make things worse. Where will the money come from? No one will lend to us, so we have to print it. And that will cause inflation to skyrocket. I don't know about you, but I'm not strong enough to bring my wheelbarrow of money to buy bread.

Not even that, but there are all sorts of hidden pet projects in the bill, including a measure towards universal health care! I bill call for making all medical records electronic. This is a good thing, as it will allow doctors across the country to receive the files of their patients.

However, this measure also allows the government to approve medical procedures and disapprove procedures they do not agree with I am not ok with the federal government overriding my doctor when it comes to my medical care.

Maybe this measure will be worked out in committee. Maybe the price tag will go down. I highly doubt it though, and the doom the president says will come if this bill is not passed is sure to come if it does.

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