Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"State of the Nation" Thoughts

Last night's speech is being referred to as a "State of the Nation" address, NOT a State of the Union. I thought those were the same thing, but I guess not! I am blogging the speech as it happens, so it might be a little jumbled.

First of all...I never realized how tall the president is. i mean, usually you don't see him around people, so it's hard to judge his height. But dude, he's kind of tall.

First off, I am not a fan of the biblical "day of reckoning" language here. And he is going on about responsibility, yet he is not allowing companies to face up to their responsibilities. A company had sucky policies, it should have to fix itsself, not wait for government to fix it.

And I am still confused about this college credit. Is it $2500 per year for 4 years, or just $2500 for all 4 years?

AHHH...apparently only banks need to be responsible, as Obama says we will save them, but they will be in trouble.

He says we need to have more lending...but we need to make sure we are lending to reliable people. Uncontrolled lending is what got us in this mess.

Ok...I do like his line "The nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."

His budget will focus on education, healthcare, and energy. Didn't he use up his budget card with the stimulus?

I don't think any politician understands the problem with education. College is overpriced. Make it cheaper, don't send me money to pay for it. Also, let's start emphasizing the arts and english. Math and science are so emphasized that there is nothing for those who are not good at those subjects.

Ok, i do like what he said. We should encourage adults to seek higher education. And he says that dropping out of high school is "no longer an option. You are not failing yourself, you are failing your country and America needs and values the talents of all its citizens." However, I really am too lazy to do community service to get more money for college. And he is absolutely correct in saying that parents need to have a more active role in their children's education. If a parent doesn't care, the children won't care. Lead by example.

Ahhh, time for the debt. I don't like debt, this is why I do not use credit cards. And why is everyone cheering about inheriting a deficit? We shouldn't be excited about the failures of the previous administration, we should be saddened by the failures of everyone and be looking for a way to fix it. Everyone is at fault. the deficit has been around and growing since the dinosaurs roamed the earth, and it isn't showing any signs of stopping. But really, does France still expect us to pay them back that money they leant us in the Revolutionary War?

Obama says that definitively, if you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will not go up at all. I guess he's changed his mind from previous tax plans proposed during the campaign.

However, he is totally fine spending forever in Afghanistan, but we need to be out of Iraq...yesterday. I don't get it at all. And closing Gitmo is still a horrible idea. Where are we going to put these terrorists? How are we going to prosecute them?

It looks like we are getting to the local anecdote part of the speech, so I will bid you adieu. I am very sleepy :(

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