Thursday, January 22, 2009

Negotiation > Military Force

I felt really awkward today.  There's a boy in my Econ class who came clad in his military uniform, and it made me feel a little uncomfortable.  On one hand, he gave me a really valid thought.  He said, "Because of this uniform, you can live your life the way you do now."  That really hit me, because I know it's true.  On the other hand, I can't respect someone who supports killing human beings - even if those people are enemies.

I do have to give him one point, though.  None of us ever really think about how great it is to have the freedoms we do here in America.  Hell, in some countries, Ashley and I would be shot for having this blog and poking fun at our leaders!

To cite an example, I'd like to point out that the Inauguration was censored in Beijing, China.  Everything that had anything remotely to do with Communism or the Cold War was removed.  It's good that we live in a nation where things aren't just omitted like that.  Talk about brainwashing!  And I thought the military were bad, with their good posture and droid-like unity, answering to every order they're given.  I guess I sort of "get" what that's all about now, though.

I still have mixed feelings, of course.

On to some praise for Obama.  Remember N. Korea and Iran?  Yeah, we were never really best buds, were we?  Well, this isn't a certainty, but N. Korea has supposedly been considering surrendering their nuclear weapons if the United States will agree to a few conditions, the biggest of those being forming a diplomatic bond.  Iran also wants to work with Obama; apparently they feel that the new President will be open to negotiation rather than threats of immediate hostility.  Awesome?  Awesome.

Bush, Hillary, people don't take too well to their country and the word "obliterate" in the same sentence.  Would YOU be nice to someone like that?  [Enter: Obama]  The scene becomes much less violent.

As for this catfight between Gaza and Israel, I'm wondering how long this halt in bombing will be.  Even under Bush, we never technically declared a "side," but we've always tended to back our pals in Israel.  THIS conflict, however, has the majority of the world saying, "Come on, guys...this is a little ridiculous."  Indeed, you do not mess with Israel.  Personally, I think that what started as defensive bombing has now crossed the line.

I wonder what'll happen next.  I still say that world peace can be achieved by rounding up all the terrorists and making them hug plush teddy bears or watch Wall-e.  That, or get smacked in the face by (gasp) women?


  1. I'm curious as to how the topic of his uniform came up.

  2. It was just a random thing that happened today in class. He sits next to Ashley and me, and he started talking about how the crease in his uniform needed to be starched a little better. I said something along the lines of, "Wow...strict." And then we were talking about the military. It wasn't necessarily a "hot topic" of the day, but I wanted to bring it up.

  3. Israel's "defensive bombing" crossed the line the second it began. 13 Israeli deaths justified the deaths of some 1300 Palestinians, over half of which were likely civilians if the United Nations is to be believed. The Israeli defense minister actually used the Hebrew word reserved for the Jewish Holocaust to describe what Israel would do to the Palestinian people. Israel's actions were and are inexcusable.
