Saturday, January 31, 2009

The REAL Barack Obama

The mainstream media chose to ignore President Obama's connection with William Ayers, self-proclaimed domestic terrorist who said he wished he had succeeded in blowing up the Pentagon during Vietnam, and to an extent they ignored his church's pastor, Jeramiah Wright. Seriously, how can you attend church every Sunday for 20 years (which he says he did) and not know your pastor was a racist, anti-American radical?

Well, the old Obama is coming out again, ready to use his deceitful political ways to gain power. If I sound a bit Sean Hannity now, it is because I mean too. This is seriously troubling to me and America needs to open their eyes to the real Barack Obama.

News has gotten out that President Obama intends to nominate a republican senator to the vacated position of commerce secretary. Now, at first glance you think, "aw, that's nice. how bi-partisan of him!" Look a little deeper, though, and the deceit rears it's head.

If the republican senator he nominates accepts, his seat will be filled by the governor of that state. The senators he is looking at...have democratic state governors. So whom will these governors nominate to fill the empty seats? You guessed it, democrats!

Now, if Norm Coleman looses his appeal in the MInnesota recount, and Obama gets a governor to appoint a democrat to a seat vacated by a republican...democrats will have a filibuster proof majority in the senate! And all of his radical agenda will pass no questions asked.

This is not new in the Obama political playbook. When he was running for senate in the city of Chicago, he put together a massive smear campaign against his opponent, who had a tremendous lead in the polls. He accused her of forging signatures on her petition for office and other things that are accounted in the book "The Obama Nation."

Wait...didn't Obama campaign on the idea of being a Washington outside...a new kind of politician...a clean, nice guy who played fair and clean?

Oh, how America was decieved. And now we will all pay the price. No wonder he wants to discredit El Rushbo...the loudest voice of truth and opposition he has to deal with, because what would happen if he was exposed as the fraud he is.


  1. a democratic president wants to strategically appoint republican senators to his cabinet so that democratic governors can appoint democratic senators??? this is b. hussein osama's CHICAGO POLITICS (william ayers) in action folks!!!

    if you really think his "washington outsider" thing was all about being an innocent little pushover then you are more naive than you assumed him to be. one of the first lines in The Audacity of Hope is about how he knows politics is a rough elbow-scraping game.


    p.s. i would love to hear more about his smear campaign, preferably with (reputable) sources (i.e. sources that haven't been proved to be a right-wing circlejerk chock full of falsehoods, which is to say I'm looking for sources that would be credible sources if one was trying to use them to write an article like, say, a journalist might)

  2. So, I thought that comments like this:

    were going to be rebutted on Saturday?

  3. it is a reputable source. look the book up on amazon

    and on saturdays we respond to the comments to our own posts. those weren't rebutted becasue michelle didn't blog on saturday. she fails at life

  4. it's such a reputable source, even one of the most credible newspapers in the world was quick to mention its inaccuracies!
