I should probably point out that I get most of my news through RSS feeds from CNN, the NY Times, and the Washington Post. Yes, it leans to the left, but (in my opinion) doesn't lean as FAR as Fox leans to the right.
My boyfriend actually called Blago the "new Britney Spears" of television, which is really accurate. Crazy, shady, and just plain corrupt, the only difference is that Blagojevich actually SEEKS OUT media coverage.
Raise your hand if you thought it was hilarious when he (basically) said, 'I'm not calling myself Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, or MLK, but I am completely Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, and MLK.' That's what I got out of it, anyway.
Oh, and he says that it's okay to use vulgar language if you think no one of significance is listening, BUT that it rubbed off on his wife. Hmmm! I wonder if that's his motto...that something is only bad if you get caught?
Props to Ashley for supporting stem cell research. I always have as well, so it should be no surprise that I was ecstatic to hear that Obama would be supporting it as well.
The embryos are FROZEN.
They would otherwise be THROWN AWAY.
Why not let their lives serve a PURPOSE?
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