Friday, January 23, 2009

The Wonderful Planet Blago

I'm going to come out and say it: I hope Blago is governor of Illinois forever. I hope he becomes a cyborg and lives forever, because he is so darn entertaining.

His press conference today was a complete train-wreck, and I made popcorn and watched! Seriously, how can anyone trust a guy with hair like that and a mafia accent?

He held a press conference today to address his trial for various crimes including attempting to swindle a children's hospital out of money, trying to get people fired from newspaper staffs that were not kind to him, and trying to sell President Obama's senate seat. In the conference, he basically said he didn't care what they did in the trial, because he didn't believe it was lawful.

What made this completely insane press conference better was Shepard Smith's running commentary throughout. Seriously, someone needs to give Shep a late night talk show or a comedy special, because his commentary was hilarious, mocking every word Blago said.

What made it even better was that Blago took questions from the press! He never does that! And when they asked him questions he didn't like, he refused to answer them. So much for taking questions.

Oddly, he didn't quote any poets or dead presidents. A shame really.

Yes, he is possibly the worst governor in the history of the world, but Illinois should really keep him around, just for the money they could rake in from a variety hour composed of only his press conferences.

Sorry for the brevity of this post, but today was a slow news day, and I am incredibly tired.

1 comment:

  1. I watched a little of it. I have never seen a twitcher press conference in my life.
