Friday, January 23, 2009

Some news, and a little anti-Savage message!

About this Kirsten Gillibrand woman...

If you haven't been following, she's going to replace Hillary in the Senate.  Personally, I think it's a little weird to have an upstate person representing New York, since MOST of the people in her state are from the city...  And I just don't know how well someone like that can adequately represent them.

She apparently marks herself as a "fiscally conservative" Democrat.  So, it's good that she's got the social ideas of a Lefty, but I'm not too sure the people from New York City are going to be quite on board with someone with a conservative view of the economy.

I'm really only worried, though, because calling herself "fiscally conservative" AND being from upstate NY could be a bad combination.  Upstate people  are wealthy types, stereotypically speaking.  Born wealthy, raised wealthy, sometimes can't understand people who WEREN'T raised the same way.

Even so, she says she wants to "follow in her footsteps," speaking of Hillary (take that as you will), so maybe she'll put her own lifestyle aside in favour of appealing to her state.  I guess we'll see.

Republicans: No more of this complaining about Gitmo without at least admitting that your guy, McCain, says he backs Obama.  

I admit that I stopped paying attention to all the Blagojevich news after it all started to be the same.  Blago, with his hands up in an "I'm innocent!" pose, saying that he did nothing wrong, lying through his teeth, while his hair wiggles.  I guess I don't BLAME him for wanting newspapers to print stories that defend him...I mean....if I were a greedy nutjob who was forced to stick to his own obvious lie out of pride and fear, I guess I'D be asking the same thing...?

He's proof that Democrats DO go "bad" sometimes...when they become greedy and ignorant, like people on the Far Right.  :D

Speaking of the Far Right, I've been getting fed up with Michael Savage again recently.  Claiming to support the first amendment, and then saying horrible things about other races, religions, and lifestyles...which are ALSO protected under the first amendment?  Not cool.  FIRE SAVAGE!

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Enjoy your Friday afternoon!  The weather has been GORGEOUS here in Indiana!


  1. Don't you think that you should open this up to independents and libertarians? More "Republican" comments... psh

    In your talk about Kirsten Gillibrand, you mention that she at least has the "social ideas of a Lefty" and tout this as something to be respected. Ironically, just a few paragraphs later social liberties (dealing with Michael Savage) are something you wish to have silenced, in the form of him being fired. Are you really for civil liberties or are you being intolerant of others rights?

    Michael Savage is completely protected under the first amendment-- just the same as your "hate speech" of Michael Savage.

    I think this blog is a really cool idea. I enjoy reading it and hope to bring more contrast to the various political opinions being expressed. I hope this comment helps you out on your Saturday comment response post.

  2. " Born wealthy, raised wealthy, sometimes can't understand people who WEREN'T raised the same way."

    Also, I thought that I would point out that Kirsten Gillibrand couldn't be any wealthier than Hillary Clinton. And Hillary understood these people... right?

  3. The First Amendment only protects citizens against the government. If the free market (which I'm assuming is something you ardently support) doesn't want Savage around, then Savage shouldn't have a job. It is well within Michelle's right to express her desire to have Savage fired.

    Also, people shouldn't tolerate intolerance. If you (obviously not you specifically, just a general "you") supported Prop 8 in California, you have no legitimate stance to complain about having your rights violated by angry protesters after you voted to eliminate a minority's rights just because you're an intolerant sack of shit.
