[funding benefits for all of those unemployed + his "war on drugs" + everything military-related]
[a freak-ton of tax revenue]
EQUALS = A party that needed to be cleaned up.
So yeah, I stand by what I said.
Now, to move beyond my distain for Reaganomics and ONTO my amusement with Blagojevich! Unless the man decides to write an "If I Did It" type book, I guess we won't be hearing too much about him any more. Everyone voted him out (I mean, did he THINK he was getting anywhere with his press conferences and interviews? "The View"? SERIOUSLY, Blago?!) and he apparently took the state-owned jet for one last bit of glory on his way home.
He's Jesus, you know. He told me so himself. And losing his 177k salary is his "personal Greek tragedy," you know. I never knew Jesus was a Greek! I mean, some people put the Bible on the same level as Greek mythology, but to have it confirmed by such an honest do-gooder! Oh, Blago. You horrid man.
The Senate passed a health insurance bill for children. 11 million children from underprivileged households or who legally immigrated, as well as pregnant mothers. This is the first time that something like this is pretty much SURE to be signed. The Senate was enthusiastic about it, and Obama has already said he'll sign it when it crosses his desk next week.
The bill might even be expanded, funded by an increase in cigarette tax to a dollar (from 39 cents). This is seriously a great idea. And seriously, it should be made more and more painful to purchase cigarettes. Smoking is bad. Healthy little kids are cute.
Bush vetoed a similar bill. TWO times. And a few Republican senators were completely miffed about it. I just don't get you people. One minute you're all, "SAVE BABIES FROM ABORTION! HIDE THE GAYS FROM MY KIDS! FAMILY VALUES!" and the next you're upset about this bill. Good job, guys. Three cheers for family values.
Anyway, any people who were apathetic during the election have been proven wrong. In just a week and a half, TONS of things have been put into effect, or at least started to work their way through the system.
Right now, I want two things to happen:
First, I want gay marriage to be made legal. We didn't vote on YOUR marriage. Why keep people from being happy just because you think it's "icky"? If you really think that marriage in general is threatened by the gay community, then your own marriage must really not be very secure. Also, it won't harm kids! Sheesh! You guys are totally just using that as an excuse, and not even a very good one. Kids already know that sometimes, people are gay. Do you want your children to believe it's better to live with a lover unmarried, or married? It's not like I'm saying I think churches should be forced to perform the ceremony - that's up to the church. But LEGALLY, on PAPER, it should be made possible.
Second, I want that ridiculous "No Child Left Behind" MISNOMER of an act repealed. This is something I'm very passionate about. It promotes "teaching to the test" in classrooms and threatens music and art in schools. The quality of teachers decreases, as they don't have the motivation to go beyond the minimum, and that is REALLY not cool. I was blessed with amazing teachers in my high school honours classes (who weren't big fans of NCLB either)...but some teachers who taught regular classes didn't seem to be doing their best all the time. Because they had a low standard to meet.
Okay, that's my rant for the day! The theme for the rest of the day is: "Ashley and Michelle Attempt to Take a Road Trip to Muncie to Visit Their Friends at Ball State Even Though the Snow is Treacherous and They Might Have to Cancel." Wish us luck!
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